1st TUAT-WISE Mini-Symposium on Geomorphic Hazards.
"Multi-method research integration in geo-hazard analysis"
Online Everywhere
9 March 2021
*Click here to register so that you can get the link for the meeting
Recent geomorphic hazard at a glance
Increasing trend in geomorphic hazard studies
In recent decades, extreme weather such as heavy rainfall and typhoons and also strong earthquake-induced landslides and other sediment-related hazards. Most of them were also associated with severe disasters, causing many fatalities, destruction of facilities, and economic losses.
Indeed, integrated hazard studies are needed in order to achieve proper disaster risk reduction, as mentioned in Sendai Framework 2015. Thus, it also becomes a new challenge to researchers in any discipline to answer and solve this sediment-related hazard, understand their mechanism and process, to obtain sediment-related disaster resiliency in the future.
As the landslides and related sediment hazard trend increased in recent decades, the need to access landslides hazard and risk zones become more vital to prevent a future major disaster. Sendai Framework 2015 was initiated to make an agreement to achieve significant achievement within these 15 years to reduce poses to disaster risk, including landslides. The expectation of increasing research in landslides followed by the increasing number of articles published in journals related to landslides. However, with this progressive inclining, the complexity of research within diverse disciplines makes landslides research remains unintegrated with each other in geomorphic hazard studies.

Mini-Symposium Flow and Objectives
Why SGH2021?
The international mini-symposium will be focused on discussing landslides and related sediment hazards, involving various sectors with various research methods or approaches. We consider wider scientific and technical community must work and meet to realize the aims of Sendai Framework 2015, ensuring that science and technology meet the expectations in reducing disaster losses and strengthening resilience.
First, we will have a general keynote speaker which will talk about the general perspective of landslides and related sediment hazards and possible integrated approaches. Then, it will be continued with specific keynote speakers from various research backgrounds. Perhaps, by this symposium, we can broaden our perspective on how different research may answer complex geomorphic hazards phenomena by creating one “review paper” manuscript. Thus, the ultimate goals of this mini-symposium are:
•Linking various research into one possible framework that can be used in reviewing the paper.
•Publish one international journal as the result of the paper review
About Mini-Symposium
Background: Unintegrated research
09 March 2021
09:00 am - 03:00 pm
As the number of researches in landslides and related sediment hazard studies is increasing, various research methods to assess the hazard become available. The scale of the method can be considered as spatial and temporal scale (e.g., GIS, Remote Sensing). The application of small to the big scale flume experiment also had been applied to prove the detailed mechanism of landslide initiation and mobility. Soil analysis might be one of the most important analyses that need to be measured in landslide assessment since the occurrence of landslides mostly controlled by the properties of soil and its interaction with water. Computer simulation and artificial intelligence approach become newly available since their ability to model or forecast landslides prone areas accurately with real-time simulation.
Even huge number of research approaches had been done in recent decades, their connectivity is rare to be discussed. Meanwhile, the connection between two methods or more in research will reveal untold processes in geomorphic hazard studies. Moreover, by correlating two or more research approaches, it will help us to verify one phenomenon that cannot be answered so that the geomorphic hazard assessment become more comprehensive. Thus, it needs to correlate and discuss various research approaches in order to achieve more comprehensive geomorphic hazard studies at all levels.

Special Panel Discussion Session
About Panel Discussion
After all speakers presents their research topics, we planned to hold a special panel discussion to get more focused discussion regarding the symposium theme and objectives. The panel discussion is consisted within two sessions which are Q&A from audiences and a general discussion on multi-approaches on geo-hazard studies.
In response to Q&A from audiences, the questions will be collected by google form format in each coffee break before the panel discussion begin. After we gather all the questions, we will sort out the questions and eliminate possible similar questions from audience. Each speaker will be given about 3-5 minutes for answering the audience’s questions.
Regarding to the second panel discussion session, the organizer will start to ask and discuss how the speaker’s perspective related to multi-method research integration in geo-hazard studies. The speakers may discuss how the possibility to combine their research with another (different method) and what is the advantages and disadvantages, also is that possible or not possible to do.

General Keynote Speakers
Specific Keynote Speakers
General Keynote Speakers
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