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Mini-symposium Rundown
Registration- 10 分
Opening remark from the organizer
- 1 時間 35 分
Prof. Fumitoshi Imaizumi
- 35 分
Prof. Roy C Sidle
- 5 分
Going to Session I – Soil Analysis and Field Measurement and Monitoring
- 1 時間 20 分
Shusuke Miyata
- 20 分
Mega Istiyanti
- 5 分
Going to Session 2 – Computer and Physical Simulation
- 20 分
Hendy Setiawan
- 20 分
Rozaqqa Noviandi
- 1 時間
Going to Session 3 - Advance Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing
- 20 分
Jack Koci
- 20 分
Yohei Arata
- 20 分
Tolga Gorum
- 5 分
Going to Panel Discussion Session
- 50 分
Panel discussion
- 10 分
Closing remark from the organizer
- 5 分
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